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[powerpress] Starting a business isn’t just about making money and becoming successful. Sure, it can be a little bit about those things. But, ultimately, the biggest reward of entrepreneurship is when you’re able to help others, as well as yourself. And the journey is never easy. WELCOME...

We have been told that only animal products pack the protein punch to provide our nutritional needs.  However, all plants have protein as well. Protein is a nutritional building block made up of smaller molecules called amino acids. There are 22 different amino acids, but...

I get asked a lot about what to eat and what not to eat. Eating healthy takes on a whole new dimension with travel. It’s easy to load up on the food that is easily accessible, but this hurts your body - leading to potential...

  “People who eat nuts daily live longer than those who don’t.” Have your attention yet? I discuss the amazing health benefits of eating raw nuts and seeds in my book, SuperLife. Nuts and seeds actually deliver critical healthy fats and additional nutrients that aid your body’s...