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Chia Tag

Your body is meant to be full of energy, not running on fumes. However, all the shelves lined with energy drinks and bars and the coffee shops on every corner, it's clear that is not most of us are feeling on most days. But it...

Chia Seeds are an amazing, highly nutritious little seed. But of the most interesting characteristics of chia is what happens to chia seeds soaked in water (or any liquid). Have you tried it? If you combine chia seeds with liquid, minutes later it has expanded and...

Chia seeds are becoming one of the most popular superfoods — for many good reasons. They are virtually tasteless, easy-to-digest (when prepared properly), super nutrient dense, and full of energy-boosting power. The latest research has even linked chia seeds to reversing type 2 diabetes! That’s right, reversing it! Originally from...

Amazing! Chia seeds were first cultivated and eaten in central Mexico dating back at least 2000 years ago. Chia seeds were one of the nutritional pillars along with corn, beans, and squash (what is commonly referred to as “the three sisters”). When European colonizers arrived...