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Seasonal Eating for Summer

Seasonal Eating for Summer

Every part of the world has different seasons. Even the different states will be different. This great tool from Seasonal Table is an interactive guide that lets you select your state and the season to see what’s freshest near you. When you eat fresh, whole foods that are in season, you have the opportunity to save money (seasonal food is cheaper!), help the environment (it has a lower carbon footprint), add extra nutrition to your diet (season food is picked at the height of its nutrition), and build variety into your diet! Learn more about seasonal eating for summer here.

Other great guides include and, and Nutrition Through the Seasons from the United States Department of Agriculture.

Below you will find general lists of the most available fruits and vegetables for seasonal eating for summer.

Summer Fruits and Vegetables:


Seasonal Eating Chart for Summer

Use this handy chart of summer fruits!


Seasonal Eating Chart of Summer Vegetables

Use this handy chart of summer vegetables!


What are your favorite foods to eat when you are seasonal eating for summer? Let us know in the comments below!

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